What Defines Trinity?

We want to be

  • the kind of church where people experience God's love and power every time they come.

We want to be

  • the kind of people who make other people feel like Jesus really cares about them.

We want to be

  • the kind of Christians who help everyone we meet know that God is real and God is good.

If you are in a place where you need some love right now, or if you're in a place to give back, we want to be God's place for you.

Nobody is here by accident.

God has assembled this group of people in this place at this time for a reason.

We want our lives to count for something more than just maintaining the status quo.

We want to be part of the answer to Jesus' prayer, "God's kingdom come, God's will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."

We're all on a journey to eternity.

Come find out if our paths intersect!

"Then the LORD answered me and said,

'Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run.'"

(Habakkuk 2:2)

Image description

Jesus - It's All About H.I.M.

Hosting God's Presence

Imitating Jesus

Making Him Known


Mission Statement adopted by Trinity's Ministries Council in January, 2008.

Trinity celebrated it's 100th Anniversary in 2009, with year long activities. 

Trinity has been designated an Acts 2 Congregation of the United Methodist Church by our Baltimore Washington Conference.  

As a Church, we recently reaffirmed our covenant with God by reading 

John Wesley's Covenant Prayer. 

Return to the "I'm New Here" page.

We believe God invented church for three reasons that give us our purpose for being:

God wants to live among His people. So our first purpose is to become a place where God chooses to dwell and make his presence known in fullness and freedom.

We call that Hosting God's Presence.

God wants his people to be all that he created us to be, like Jesus. So our second purpose is to help each other become like Jesus in his

  • Spirit-filled character,

  • Spirit-led wisdom,

  • Spirit-empowered actions and

  • Spirit-impassioned invitation.

We call that Imitating Jesus.

God wants every person on earth to know his love. So our third purpose is to help each other

  • be equipped and excited

  • to demonstrate God's love and power

  • anytime,

  • anyplace,

  • with anybody,

  • tell them about Jesus,

  • and invite them into God's family.

We call that Making Him Known.

The first letters are

  • H

  • I

  • M

So we say,

"Jesus - It's All About HIM!"

To read more on the Biblical basis for 

"It's All About HIM," read 

Revelation 21:3; Ephesians 4:13; 

Galatians 5:22-23; Romans 8:14; 

1 Corinthians 12:7-11; 2 Corinthians 5:20; and Acts 8:1-17.