Links to Bibles, Bible Studies, and Devotional Aids

Whether you are new to the Bible, or you've been reading it for thirty years, we can always use more ways to read and learn of God. 

Here are some links that make it very easy to read a little bit each day.

In addition, Trinity Church offers regular Bible Studies.  These are some of our most popular events.  Usually led twice a year, the talented teachers take a class through a six or eight week course.  

Contact the Church Office 410-268-1620 to find out more about current Bible Study groups. New members are always welcome!


"This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success."

Joshua 1:8


The Upper Room online provides a daily reading and thought provoking passage.  It conveniently links the Bible readings so you can connect with a click of your mouse. 

The Afghan Prayer Patrol will email you an online daily prayer.  This joins you with thousands of others praying for the Troops serving in Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan. 

Prayer Central also has other prayer resources.

Bible Gateway has an excellent search tool. 

It offers reading plans, devotionals and newsletters to help you understand the Bible better. 

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers has provided in depth meditations for almost 200 years.  They are as fresh today as when the book was first published in 1927.

GoBible offers a weekly Bible Study, along with questions that help you get more out of the readings.

GoBible is written by Bruce N.. Cameron, J.D. from the Regent University School of Law. 

Hymnsite is a great resource where you can find hymns from the United Methodist Hymnal, along with midi files and downloadable piano scores.  Explore all the great hymns here.

Our Daily Bread is a popular daily devotional in publication since 1956. This site provides the devotional in an audio format if desired.

The Blue Letter Bible offers on online Bible, including different translations.  

It includes maps and study guides, providing tools for an in depth study of God's Word.

The Prayer Foundation is an interdenominational ministry dedicated to strengthening prayer in all Christians.  This site has a fantastic wealth of information, much of it from the Celtic tradition.


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