Making Him Known - Changing the World

The best way to change the world is to introduce people to the life changing power of Jesus Christ.

We strive to both relieve suffering in the world and to show the love of Jesus to all.

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Showing Love in Ankara, Turkey

At Trinity Church, we are

 Rethinking Church.  

What if church was less about Sunday, and more about the other days of the week?  What if church wasn't a noun, but a verb? We want to DO the things that Jesus told us to do. 

  • TEACH people about connecting with God through His Son
  • HEAL people
  • FEED the hungry
  • SPEAK OUT about injustice
  • CALL people to right and holy living 

Groups Changing the World That are Supported by 

Trinity United Methodist Church

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Mission to the World

 Miami, Florida

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Road to New Life  Ministry to Christian Ex-Offenders

Good News Jail and Prison Ministry Annapolis, MD

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Church Without Walls 

Batikent Bereket Kilisesi

in Ankara, Turkey  (Trinity's Sister Church)

China Outreach Ministries

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Bethany Christian Services

Crofton, Maryland

Child Evangelism Fellowship in Annapolis

John Wesley was the founder of the Methodist Church.  What does he say about Missions?

"One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbor; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us."

-John Wesley

Listen to members talk about their experiences serving the homeless in our annual 

Winter Relief Program.

Return to the "I'm New Here" page.