Finding God During Lent and Easter

Easter Sunrise Service 

 March 31 at sunrise (6:30 am), Oyster Harbor Community Beach, 3307 Shore Drive, Annapolis.  Bring a lawn chair or blanket.

Refreshments afterwards.

Easter Morning 

 March 31 - HE IS RISEN!!!  Come celebrate this most joyous day of Christianity at both services, 9:00 and 11:00.

Fellowship Hour with refreshments in between the two services.


Lent is Not What You Find in a Dryer!

Christmas has Santa Claus. Easter has the Easter Bunny. Apparently Lent is not a big enough deal for an imaginary sidekick. Or maybe it’s just hard to commercialize six weeks of introspection and self-denial. But don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it.

After all, if you don’t know why you need to be saved, it’s hard to celebrate a savior. If you don’t know why Jesus died, it’s hard to celebrate his resurrection.

American travelers who have spent some time in poor and oppressed countries often find they have a greater appreciation of the Fourth of July. In the same way, Christians who have spent some time thinking and praying about spiritual poverty and oppression have a greater appreciation of Easter.


The church has traditionally set aside the forty days prior to Easter for this purpose. Fasting, or “giving up” a certain kind of food or other pleasure, is used as a spiritual discipline to help with this focus. The idea is that whenever we want to do what we gave up, it should remind us to think about the vastly greater sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf, and why it was necessary.


Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Lent provides a time for self-examination. Some people spend all their lives climbing the ladder, only to discover that it’s leaning against the wrong tree. Lent is a time to ask yourself if your ladder is leaning against the right tree.


It’s a time to look ahead.

  • Where will your life wind up if you continue on your present course?
  • Is that where you want to go?

Lent is a time to re-evaluate your priorities and your relationships – especially your relationship with God.


If you’re honest, there’s a good chance your self-examination will turn up some things that are not the way you would wish them to be. Certainly there will be some things that are not the way God wants them to be. Without going into theology, that’s why Jesus had to die.  That was the only way those things could be cleared out of the way of our relationship with God.


The Bible puts it this way: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only son [Jesus], so that whoever believes in him should not die eternally, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

  • Because Jesus died, payment was made for our sins.
  • Because Jesus rose from the dead, we can be raised to a new life, with new power to become the people God created us to be.

But it’s not automatic. We can only take full advantage of what Jesus did for us if we take time to think about it and apply it to our lives. 


That’s the gift of Lent. Don’t throw it out, like the stuff from the dryer.


Want more information about accepting Jesus' gift?


Lenten Lunches

Wednesdays, February 27th through March 20th

12 - 1:00 PM

 Enjoy a light lunch and short meditation.

  • Feb. 27 Sheila Dunn,  'Putting God First'
  • March 6 Claudia Johnson, 'Forgiveness'
  • March 13 Doris Delucia, 'The Journey'
  • March 20 Bill Busch, 'Winter Relief'



Experience Christ's gift by watching this video featuring The Wonderful Cross by Michael W. Smith.  This song begins with the timeless words of When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.  

Find more Lenten and Easter resources to help you prepare for 

Jesus' death and resurrection - United Methodist Church Resources.

"I have been crucified with Christ: and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me: 

and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."  - Galatians 2:20

How can you experience 

God's presence during Lent and Easter at Trinity Church?

Shrove Tuesday Supper - February 12 at 6:00 PM (replaces Thursday night dinner that week)

Ash Wednesday Service - February 13 at 7:30 PM

Lenten Lunches - February 27 - March 20,  

                               Wednesdays at Noon

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday - March 24 -  9:00 and 11:00 AM  The contemporary Musical Praisata will help your spirit connect with Jesus.

Maudy Thursday - March 28 - Church Dinner at 6:00 followed by Holy Communion served around the tables.

Good Friday - March 29 - 7:30 PM  Take some time, during this service,  to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, dying on the cross, to bring us salvation.

Easter Sunrise Service - March 31 at sunrise (6:30am), Oyster Harbor Community Beach, 3307 Shore Drive, Annapolis.  Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Refreshments afterwards.

Easter Morning - March 31 - HE IS RISEN!!!  Come celebrate this most joyous day of Christianity at both services, 9:00 and 11:00. 

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Additional Links 

Help your spirit soar during Lent

Different people worship in different ways, so we've listed a variety of approaches.  The hope is that you'll find one or more to bring you closer to Jesus.

Upper Room DevotionalHelpful devotionals sponsored by the Upper Room.

Crosswalk Daily Devotionals - Devotional and resources.

Praying Lent - an opportunity to grow in our relationship with God, through daily devotionals and online retreats.  An incredibly comprehensive source 

Walking to the Cross: A Lenten Devotional - Butch Odom connects the Lenten journey with our responsibilities for our neighbors and health.  Follows the Revised Common Lectionary.

A Call to Live Simply World Vision explores the Lenten experience through examining our own call to live simply.

Lenten Devotional and Guide - a great resource based on the book Bright Sadness by David Maddalena.  Includes a weekly devotional reading plus a guide for fasting and information for explaining lent to children.


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