Trinity's Pastor and Staff

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Senior Pastor - Rev. Dr. David N. Wentz

Pastor Wentz has been pastoring churches since 1981, having served six United Methodist churches in the Baltimore-Washington region.

His passion is helping people find new ways to connect with God.  He loves to watch people discover new talents and abilities that bring them fulfillment and joy. It is his belief that every Christian has the ability and the responsibility to hear from God, and then do what God is saying through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.

His job, therefore, is not to tell people what to do, but to encourage them to listen to God and do what God is saying.

Want to know more about Pastor Wentz?  

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Minister of Visitation - Sheila Dunn

Sheila can be found at most of the activities at Trinity, caring for the church's family.

Her smile brightens up the lives of everyone, from shut-ins to new babies, and from those experiencing pain or loss to those finding joy and salvation.  She has been a part of Trinity's family since 2004 and loves connecting with members and visitors.

Read more about Sheila.

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Administrative Assistant - Debbie Robinson

Debbie's smiling face and voice is a familiar welcome to Trinity's office.  She keeps track of all of the day to day work in the office.

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Director of Music - Janie Daugherty

Janie brings joy to all as she leads the choir, women's chorus, handbells and children's choir.

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Organist - Maria Lee


Maria makes beautiful music with our three-manual Allen organ and piano.

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Custodian - Wanda Lee

Wanda has been keeping our building clean and bright since 1996.

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