The Essence of the Christian Message - Part 2

It's All About Love

If you recently decided to follow Jesus, there are a few very important things you should know.


First, there is a spiritual force in this world that is not happy about what you've done. 

  • The devil will try to make you think you were emotionally manipulated or brainwashed, and there's really nothing to it. 
  • Or else, the next time you slip up, he'll try to tell you this Christianity stuff didn't work for you, it didn't take, you might as well give it up.  Don't listen to that. 

The Bible says you have the authority to say, "In the name of Jesus, I command that stuff to get out of my head and leave me alone!"  

And it will. 

Of course, then you need to consciously start thinking about good things, or it will come right back. 

If you've been involved in some things you shouldn't have been, you may need to stop associating with certain people or going certain places to keep from slipping back into it.  

Fill your life with people and activities that will lead you closer to God, not farther away.

Please continue reading in the next column.

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Second, God wants to talk with you.

Have you ever noticed how lots of people pray as if they were calling God on the telephone and leaving a Christmas list on his answering machine?  "Dear God, please give me this and this and this, Amen."  

God isn't Santa Claus.  He wants a relationship with you.  So when you talk to him, talk naturally, the way you talk to anyone you respect.  And then listen for an answer. 

But remember that God isn't in your head, he's in your heart.  So the answer won't come in words, but in feelings or hunches or intuitions. You learn to recognize which ones are God the same way you learn to recognize somebody's voice on the telephone, by practice. 

And you recognize God's voice by reading the Bible, which is God's love letter to you, to learn the kinds of things God says.  God never contradicts himself.  If something doesn't go along with the Bible, it isn't God.

Get a modern, easy-to-read translation, maybe one with notes at the bottoms of the pages to explain the difficult parts, or follow the links below for online Bibles. Start with the book of Mark or John, which tell the story of Jesus. Read some every day and let God show you how it applies to your life.


Please continue reading in the next column.


Third, God designed Christianity to be lived in community

One of the first Christian truths I learned was, “Christians are like bananas – separate one from the bunch and it’s sure to get peeled.” We need each other!

So find a good church.  There are lots of them out there. Check out different ones and don’t give up until you find a church that feels right for you. (If you’re in the Annapolis area, we sure hope that will be Trinity!)

Just remember, Christianity isn't about rules and regulations, so steer clear of churches that would try to tell you every detail of how to live your life, or judge you on how you dress or talk. 

If they love Jesus, the Bible, and people, that's what's important.


"For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord

and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,

you will be saved.

"For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God,

and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved."

(Romans 10:9-10)

Click here for links to online Bibles and Bible study helps.

Trinity offers Bible Studies thoughout the year.  Contact the church office for current classes. 

 Newcomers are always welcome!

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